Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Compare and Contrast Two Artist

Both Karsten Bott and Claes Oldenburg are very talented and interesting artist. They both have built sculptures that look realistic. Karsten Bott is an artist whose goal is to collect one of everything and to make art out of everything that he collects. He has made all different kinds of sculptures out of the items that he has already collected. His sculptures are not just separated by color or the items that are in them, he mixes up where all the items go. I really like his art work and all the different items in each piece of art. Claes Oldenburg is an artist who makes sculptures all over the world. He has made his sculptures look really realistic and I enjoy them. One of his sculptures is an ice cream cone hanging off the side of a building. His sculptures are huge and look really cool. 

Karsten Bott-

Claes Oldenburg-

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